What are the best times to list an event on Dabble?

You’re free to list an event anytime you’d like. However, we suggest listing events on weekday evenings after 6 pm or on weekend days after 10 AM. This ensures that more people will be able to partake in your experience. (Note: if you're in need of a venue, it is more difficult to secure venues on Friday and Saturday nights.)

Sometimes teachers find it useful to list a few dates / times at once, to see what sells the best. Consider your event content and when people may be most willing to engage with it. Are you teaching a class on accounting? It’s likely it’ll be difficult to sell on a Fright night. But BYOB Dancing for Couples? Go ahead and try a Friday night!

The chart below breaks out the times of our all completed schedules since 2011. The first row is the morning from 9 to 12 PM; the middle row is 12 to 4 PM; and the bottom row ranges from 5 to 9 PM.


According to our research, here are the best days to host your event by category:

Business & Career - Monday PM, Tuesday PM, Wednesday PM, Weekdays AM
Education - Saturdays AM/PM, Sunday AM, Tuesday PM, Wednesday PM
Fitness & Wellness - Weekday AM, Saturdays & Sunday AM
Arts & DIY - Weekday PM, Saturdays & Sundays AM/PM
Food & Drink - Weekday PM, Saturdays AM/PM
Health & Beauty - Tuesday PM, Wednesday PM, Thursday PM, Saturday AM
Kids/Family - Weekday AM, Saturday & Sunday AM,