What is Dabble?


Dabble is a community marketplace for discovering, listing and hosting unique and local experiences. Our team and technology seeks to power local experiences that support a community of lifelong learning. We exist to empower small business owners, solopreneurs, makers/artists and event organizers to build their brand, following and network. Our success is measured by the strength of the connections we create through our shared passion for learning and human connection that just so happens to be powered by a pretty badass website and committed team.

We believe that the threshold for learning and trying new things is often too high with events that cost hundreds of dollars and last for weeks on end. Our mission is to make learning and exploring your interests – “dabbling,” if you will – more accessible, affordable and enjoyable.

Dabble encourages anyone with knowledge or experience to share to become an event host. People teach and share their skills through Dabble and host events at their venues to market themselves, make extra income, meet new folks who share their passion, and because it's fun!