How do I delete and manage recurring schedules?

Similar to non-recurring schedules on Dabble you can manage and cancel recurring schedules directly from your Partner Dashboard.


If you'd like to cancel an individual schedule or all of your recurring schedules you can do so my selecting the desired individual schedule from the dropdown menu or the first schedule in your list of recurring schedules - if you want to delete all dates. Keep in mind, any existing schedule with an active registration cannot be cancelled in bulk and will be converted to an independent and non-recurring schedule.


If you'd like to convert any date associated with a recurring rule into an independent and non-recurring schedule simply select the desired date from the dropdown and select "Edit Event" and proceed to the "Details" step where you'll have the option to "Edit the event as separate and non-recurring" at any time.


Upon successfully removing the event date from the recurring rule you will see the following confirmation on the top of the page.


There is also a way to visualize all upcoming dates tied to your recurring rule by selecting "Manage Recurrings" from your Partner Dashboard with a recurring schedule selected from the dropdown menu of schedules which will open up a custom recurring schedule calendar. On this page, you can select individual dates to manage or select multiple dates at once.

Please Note: In the event you have more than one recurring rule established for an event, this calendar will ONLY show the recurring dates tied to the selected recurring rule.


On the top of the Recurring Schedule calendar page there is hyperlinked text to allow you open up a tool to allow you to delete one or more schedules at the same time. Keep in mind, any existing schedule with an active registration cannot be cancelled in bulk and will not be deleted if selected at this step.


In the event you run into any issues managing or deleting recurring schedules please reach out to Dabble for technical support, we're happy to assist anytime!